Cooking With Arnold - The Game

Cooking with Arnold - The Game

I’ve got a moment to go through some of my old projects, so I figured I’d throw a post up about Cooking With Arnold, the game.

Sometime around 2013 I wanted to make my knowledge of JS into something, after coming from a job where I was working in… Adobe Flex… which my manager at the time swore up and down wasn’t going anywhere. I saw the writing on the wall as they begged people not to jump ship to more open source web technologies and decided I needed to learn the emerging HTML5 language.

My friend Idris and I got together and created the web game. He supplied all the models, art, and music (which is AWESOME stuff. Check it out!) and I was the one programming it all together. We stopped only after creating a proof of concept level, but it’s still up and kicking and a lot of fun to stroll through on a slow day. Check it out here.